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Showing posts from December, 2018

Configure SSO - Single sign on using Red hat IDM(FreeIPA)

Hello, If you want to configure your own SSO(Single-Sign-On) using FreeIPA and interested to know more about functionality and operations of it, this post will help you a lot. -> Let's start: - 1. First of all you have to configure Red Hat IDM which is also know as FreeIPA, for this I have written a post few weeks ago, where I explained all the steps in detail. Please  Click here..  for detailed steps. OR copy and paste below URL in your web browser- 2. Once master side configurations have been completed, you have to configure FreeIPA client or I would say client side configuration. I have written a post for this as well, where I explained all the steps in detail. Please  Clieck here...  for detailed steps. OR copy and paste below URL in your web browser- After this let's take an

Red Hat IDM(FreeIPA) client side configuration

Please execute Red Hat IDM master server configuration steps before executing below. Master server configuration steps are listed in my previous post ->  Click here.. 1. Login with root user and check connectivity with master server, it must pingable from client host. [root@localhost ~]# ping 2. Set hostname (I am performing these steps on RHEL7, if you are performing on RHEL6 and need steps to set hostname, please check my previous post) [root@localhost ~]# hostnamectl set-hostname [root@localhost ~]# exec bash [root@client1 ~]# hostname 3. Check time of client and server, it must be in sync :- [root@client1 ~]# ssh date The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established. ECDSA key fingerprint is f1:48:1b:9a:0c:d0:7a:7c:56:75:09:c6:50:a8:2d:5e. Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes Warning: Permanently added '192.1

Configure RedHat IDM(FreeIPA) on Rhel6 / Rhel7

In below example: - - (IPA Server or Master server, station1=master) - (IPA Client1, station2=client1) - (IPA Client2, station3=client2) Note: - Please perform below listed steps on station1 (IPA server), before start IPA installation let's complete prerequisites- 1. Set host name: - #hostname (RHEL6) #hostnamectl set-hostname (RHEL7) 2. Make host name permanent: - #vim /etc/sysconfig/network #exec bash 3. Configure yum: - Note-I am using rhel6.4 ISO you can use any ISO of RHEL6 or RHEL7. #vim /etc/yum.repos.d/my.repo [my] baseurl=file:///media/RHEL_6.4\ x86_64\ Disc\ 1 gpgcheck=0 #yum repolist Check if yum has configured properly, your output must as below- 4. Manage DNS locally (it is not mandatory for you if you have DNS in your environment) Add

Declare Constant- In different programming language

-> C/C++ :- Simple  way of declaration  -   int const a = 52;   const int a =52; In C programming we have choice of using const keyword, but in C++ we have to use the const keyword. -> Java :- In the java programming language we use final keyword.   final int MAX=52; -> Perl :- In Perl we have write as below -   use constant a = 52;  -> Python :- In Python we have write as below -   a = 52

Virtual file System.....

Virtual File Systems  Virtual File Systems (VFS) provides an object-oriented way of implementing file systems.  VFS allows the same system call interface (the API) to be used for different types of file systems.  The API is to the VFS interface, rather than any specific type of file system.