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Showing posts from June, 2019

RHCSA Training Day - 2

Introduction - Day -1

We will start this training on RHEL7.3 Normally there are 3 ways to interact with any OS- 1. GUI(graphical user interface) - In simple words we can say interacting with OS using mouse. This the same way you are interacting with Windows. 2. CLI(Command line interface) - In this way user can't use mouse because there we don't have any graphics(icons/buttons) so that you can double click and open the things and select etc. 3. API(Application programming interface) - Normal user don't this, it is specially for developers Here I'll talk about CLI, whatever things you do in GUI, 99% of them you can do from CLI as well. The beauty of CLI is that we can do the things very fastly and also it requires very limited/less resource(compute unit or we can say RAM/CPU etc..). Let's take an example how CLI is faster than GUI- Use case: Open 100 terminals - This task can be completed in two way (A) - GUI(Right Click on home screen and then select open terminal, same thi

How to setup your own technical lab?

If you are doing some technical training and for practice depended on institute's lab. Then this post would be very much helpful for you. I've prepared two videos for this and both are available on my  you tube channel , I've explained each and every step in detail. Please check and feel free to comment and revert in case of issue and suggestions. PART -1 - PART -2 - Download ISO -