Today's learning :-
Data Visualization:-
# conda environments:
base * C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3
mlops C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\envs\mlops
C:\Users\Priyanshi>conda env create mlops -y
C:\Users\Priyanshi>conda activate mlops
(mlops) C:\Users\Priyanshi>conda install folium
If unable to install using conda command, use pip to install folium-
(mlops) C:\Users\Priyanshi>pip install folium
Now the environment(lab) is ready then start writting program.
import folium
pnb_badalwas = folium.Map(location=[27.4659961,75.0820037], zoom_start=13)
folium.Marker(location=[27.4659961,75.0820037], popup='pnb_badalwas').add_to(pnb_badalwas)
Data Visualization:-
- Graphical representation of data is known as Data Visualization. For humans it is always harder to read huge and complex data, and if harder to read then we can't think about understand. So if somehow we can convert this data into graphics then it would be easy to understand.
- We can use Python libraries for graphical representation of data. We have lots of libraries in python for graphical representation of data depends upon data and requirement, like Matplotlib and Seaborn can help us to plot graphs, Folium is also one of the famous python library which help us to create maps.
- I am interested to learn folium today so lets setup lab for this.
# conda environments:
base * C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3
mlops C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\envs\mlops
C:\Users\Priyanshi>conda env create mlops -y
C:\Users\Priyanshi>conda activate mlops
(mlops) C:\Users\Priyanshi>conda install folium
If unable to install using conda command, use pip to install folium-
(mlops) C:\Users\Priyanshi>pip install folium
Now the environment(lab) is ready then start writting program.
import folium
pnb_badalwas = folium.Map(location=[27.4659961,75.0820037], zoom_start=13)
folium.Marker(location=[27.4659961,75.0820037], popup='pnb_badalwas').add_to(pnb_badalwas)
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